Monday, March 31, 2008

week 2 :: DAY one

136 (?) scale is a bit i am not truly sure of my actual weight. total lost 4 lbs.

i will buying a new scale this week.i have lost according to the faulty scale, 4 lbs. but i am not going to count on that, just so that i will not let myself down if i didn't lose that much in a weeks time. the good news is that my pants feel looser, and clothes seem to fit a bit differently. i have a few concerns. i still feel a bit sluggish though. i was expecting to be bouncing off the roof tops at this point. i am seriously wondering if a) i have a deeper issue, ie, undiagnosed health problem...or b) simply still detoxing due to the vicodin, and meds from the past few years. dr. f's book does explain that for some people the detox process can take up to 2 weeks. i still have a head ache here and there and a bit of depression. also this morning i was hoping to feel up to walking, but i just felt very sluggish. that makes me wonder what is going on underlying. i have spurts of feeling really well..but it is not long lasting.

..i made it through a whole week of no sugar (except for the tiny amount in my creamer) and speaking of coffee, i have lost my desire and craving for it :) the last time i detoxed was in 2000 (?) or was it 99? anywhoo....been a long lonely time :( i still cannot believe that i am doing so well. my scale is off and this week it appears that i have only lost a little bit since saturday. for the most part my food has been alot of raw veggies and fruits, water and herbal detox teas only, (about a cup or so of am coffee, but like i said, i am losing my taste and desire for coffee) salads, soups and quinoa/beans. i carry with me my water, larabars and almonds that i mixed with raisins.

the weekend was a challenge, but i got thru it :)

friday afternoon, my first day out all week....i met rene in laguna at the zinc...and i was expecting to be able to eat more there...but was surprised to see how much cheese and dairy they had on the menu. i chose the vegetarian chili and regretted it. it was too heavy and i had only had a smoothie in me at that point (jp smoothie) and the night before i had taken a smooth move tea. it decided to kick in, not in the morning as i hoped, but early afternoon. so most of my day was running to public restrooms to 'cleanse'. ugh.

saturday we went to visit tanya and the kids at my dads (she is moving to co next weekend) and i did explain that i was doing a cleanse and only eating fruits/veggies etc. and thank goodness i chose to bring my own veggie platter. they went shopping only to get pastrami, bagels and cream cheese .... grrr. my dad wasnt even there...he was off doing some church stuff. (but i will write about that later when i vent about the emotional stuff going on with me). saturday night i had to run to the store to get milk for em, so i decided to run to the 'fresh and easy'...

struggling with 'what to cook', meals, recipes etc....but i am not allowing that to detour me. i am resolved at this point and counting down. only 5 more weeks to go and with all this great info in my head about why this way of eating is just so much better for me, i don't feel at 6 weeks i will want to stop.

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