Tuesday, June 17, 2008

day 87

still going :)

ok. so today i went to target to try on some bikinis. 3 words. oh.my.gaaaaaawwwwd!

the bad news.
i have serious cellulite on my thighs and tummy...ugh.

the good news.
i am working out again and running/toning.

so ok. i am 41 now and have had 4 babies. one of them less than 2 yrs ago. i have to give myself a little break here. i know that i will not be at my optimum this side of summer. i will deal with it.

BUT! and this is a big but! by next summer, i will more than just 42. i will turn every freeking head on the beach!!!!! yah baby! yeah!

my weight has slowed a bit. and i re-thinking this raw food thing. yes, i have been high raw for 87 days....i am a size 6, and when i stand naked in the mirror, i see at least another 10 to 15 needs to come off in order for me to feel comfortable in my body again. this is just being honest. my friends are kind and tell me that i look good now....and in my clothes, i feel nice again. :) but on the beach is another story.

i am surprised that being high raw has not offered me more weight loss. i was hoping to be a size 4 by now. it is coming off slowly....and i am getting a little frustrated. as a high raw, food combining vegan, i was hoping for a little more weightloss at this point. it has almost been 3 months. i have lost inches....but boy....i must have been alot fatter than i realized when i began. i still do not know my weight....but i do know that most of my pre wedding clothes are baggy now on me...which would put me under 130. and i started this thing at 144. so i have lost 15 lbs almost to date. about a lb a week :) i am doing good.

i just wish to lose 2 lbs a week. now that i am working out 30 to 60 minutes running/walking/ and toning daily...i hope to be on that track. i am also going to stop eating a whole avo and go back to the half a day :) fruit mostly til 2ish...smoothies with one banana only, and greens greens greens.

jp smoothie with frozen banana, tbl udo's oil, jp fruits, and stevia

about 100 cals of rice cakes (shopping with girls at target)

work out: 20 minutes of video/ 10 minutes of elliptical followed up with upper arms/squats

half of coconut water
half a melon
2 apples
handful of almonds

for dinner, i am planning on a big veggie salad with hard boil egg whites.

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