Saturday, June 28, 2008

day 98 - ONE HOUR RUN 3.5 to 4 miles (still not sure on mileage)

almost 100 days since my 'better health' journey began. wow. one hundred days. over 3 months. i am very proud of myself.

since changing my diet i have gone from a size 8 down to a size 5/6, my nails, skin and hair glows. my energy is amazing, my periods are lighter and barely noticeable discomfort wise, and i have started my running again...along with some strength training, squats, sit ups, and lunges/toning exercises.

i have allowed a little more sugar than usual the second half of june to creep back into my diet. i notice with the sugar, my left breast begins to ache a little a week before my P. it is a challenge to omit sugar completely from my diet...and i have also been a bit more lax on the coffee.

i enjoy certain things in my diet and will have those things when i desire them...but not daily :) only when i have a craving. i refuse to deprive myself of anything :)

tonight i took off at 8pm for a run....and i ran a whole hour non stop....almost. i ran too soon after eating a big meal...and paid for it with both a stitch and a sour stomach thru the run, but i pushed through it and finished the hill up to my house one hour after leaving :) it was beautiful.

i pushed thru the first 15 to 20 minutes and soon after discovered that high that i had lost all these years. my body tingled and i felt as if i could run forever. i got into a beautiful rhythm and i felt so happy to be running again. i promised myself that this would be my 'inner space' time at least 4 nights a week.

running from 8-9 is perfect for me. the kids are in bed, and david is usually doing his own thing. i have recommitted myself to my first love, running..and i think i have found a great time to run :) the mornings are a bit hectic and i find that i am not able to enjoy the run because i am pushing the stroller. however, i think that all that pushing really strengthened my cardiovasc. b/c when i run alone, i have so much more endurance than i ever have :)

i have also taken my measurements - june 22.

size 6

bust 37
waist 30
hips 38
thigh 21

my goals are a size 2 and

bust 36
waist 26
hips 36
thighs 19


i hope to lose a few inches by july 22...since i am upping my running and committing to a 4 to 5 day run week...i am prayerful that i will attain these goals by at least summers end.

i am looking at a long term goal and keeping next summer in biggest goal by next summer....wear a 2 pc bikini...or at least one of these;

I am ever so hopeful...

and yes. i will get there.


what i ate today:

saturday morning coffee time with david - some sugar and ff half and half...about one cup max.

hemp/cocao smoothie (G&B's) with half water half almond milk/ frozen banana and jp's, stevia
wahoos salad with appx 6 to 8 oz mahi on bed of greens, with tiny amount of cheese, some guac and low fat dressing. about half cup of black beans


frozen yogurt, nf with 4 tsp of crumbled pb cups

hungry by bedtime, so i had half cantalope, half granola bar and banana with 2 tsp of almond butter.


by about 20 minutes in i was relaxing into the run. food had not digested by the time i left for run...note to self...don't do that again. side stitch was baaaad, but i am proud to say i pushed thru. i stopped and walked about a minute, 3 times into run. stopped to pee at the park, and ran duration home without stoppping, even up the hill on carnation back to the house.

i left at 8 on the dot and returned 9 on the dot. i wanted to cry...i did an hour long run for the first time in my life and felt fabulous the entire time ::mentally:: - physically it was a bit of a challenge...but like i said, i pushed thru.

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