Wednesday, May 14, 2008

day 52 of high raw diet has been 52 days. wow. almost 2 whole months. i am so proud of myself. i do feel better eating this way. i am on my P and like i said before, my goal to stay well nourished in my cycle to ensure energy after the P ended. i am on the last day or 2. it is lighter than before this time around.

i am not sure the fruit all day is working for me tho. my itchy flaky scalp came back and although i am getting fat in at dinner and in my morning smoothie with the flaxseed, there is something missing. i noticed it was gone by week 6 of E2L, but one week after starting the fruit flush i noticed it came back. this week, (week 2) it is back with as worse as ever.

so i am returning to high raw with fruit only in the am til lunch and then i am going to add some seeds, and a little more fat to my diet. i am starting to see the fat on my belly, hips and but go :) and that makes me happy. i am going to up my greens...and enjoy eating that way for all around better health.

fruit all day was a bit too much for me and to be honest, my body did not release that much fat. as promised in jay robbs books. i felt like gagging some days if i had one more 'sweet' tart meal. i need more balance.

another thing i am noticing about the raw food least those on gi2mr...they are all so rigid. their self talk in the forums is about failure if they have 'cooked' food. it is sad to see and really bumming me out. i am not sure any of those people really do know what they are talking about. God is a God of balance. and health is my main goal here....100% raw may not be the healthiest thing for my body....some cooked foods here and there are good and i am sticking with that.

there is more to life than just what one ingests orally, there is the spirit to eating and enjoying the take the joy out of eating is like taking the life out of living. you are left with dust...and i want my food to be nurturing and good. and so does God...that is apparent to me.

*this am i had fresh squeezed organic valencia oj first thing. it felt good getting enzymes in my empty belly first thing.

*soon thereafter, i had a jp smoothie with banana, extra tsp of G&B cocoa, flaxseed and one cup of almond milk.

it is now 2pm and i am feeling peckish so i am off to have a cucumber, tomato and avo salad :)

i really am looking forward to adding back some nuts into my diet. perhaps i will have some almonds today too :)

i am in love with ecco in claremont, they have a raw food cafe with some great choices and i am off to purchase a raw food recipe book too :)

i want to learn to make some raw food crackers, and cookies for the kiddos. i feel like i am losing the weight now and can finally be a bit less extreme. i want to splurge a bit more here and there.

last night i had pasta with a ton of saute'd veggies and marinara sauce with goat cheese :) i loved it! it was wonderful!

i need to enjoy cooked foods in my diet...and i know i can properly combine them now, so i did not feel 'guilt' over eating that pasta. it was all properly combined, with the exception of the cheese, but i had to have some :)

i think that i am going to give myself my splurges on my a cycle of comfort and ease up to be a bit more gentle during that time :) just feels right for me.

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