Thursday, May 1, 2008

day 4 fruit flush

yesterday i ate fruit til dinner....around 4ish i had a big bowl filled with cucumbers and tomatoes, drizzled with lemon and a little sea salt. ;)

the day brought some emotions up...i was pretty wiped out by 5ish....i fell asleep on the couch with noise and commotion all around and actually slept there for a few hours!! omgsh.

this morning has been better :) i got in my 45 min walk with murph and the energy felt 'ok' this morning....and when i returned home i was a bit weak. i am working hard on making smoothies that are not full of calories....the coconut milk, dates and bananas can add up and while i am 'losing weight mode' i need to watch it.

this morning i was finally able to 'release' the pent up stuff that was inside and i felt a bit better...i need to drink that smooth move tea each evening from now on. i have been pretty gassy and the fruit has not 'filled me up' and by noon time i am pretty much OVER eating fruit! i keep telling myself to NOT give up. i want to make the most of this time. the most of this month. i have omitted beans and grains and nuts too....and i am strictly doing the fruits and a big salad with 1 whole or half avo each evening :)

today i had:
jp smoothie with water, frozen strawb's (organic) jp fruits, flax seed
smoothie with 2 ice cube coconut milk and about table spoon of coconut flesh blended with banana and water

wow....i am detoxing more today than i have all 6 weeks!! whoohoo! i am thankful that i kept at it. it has taken me about 4 whole days (been at this since monday) and coming off last weekends retreat, where i ate well...and food combined almost every meal - but i am releasing alot of waste and all day yesterday i felt like i had a brick in my lower colon area...i hope to release as much as possible. i think the coconut helped this morning.

for dinner i plan on omitting the avo since i got plenty of fat from the coconut milk (it wasn't 'fresh' but canned from tj's which was 50% less fat) and i froze them into ice cube trays and am placing them now in my smoothies when i want to use coconut for daily fat.

i feel as tho i am getting a handle on this way of eating. until i release all of my body fat, i am going to stay on a low fat 75% raw diet. nuts and seeds are pretty much is other higher fat raw foods.

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