Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 8 of fruit flush

well...there has not been much time to keep track of this flush...so i am going to pop in every few days to report my progress. not sure the pounds i am losing here, but to be honest, i am past the point of connecting with a number on a scale for my confirmation. it has moved beyond that for me. i am focusing on how i look in the mirror, how my clothes fit, and how i feel over all every day.

my energy has finally perked up! i am feeling light and wonderful. i am eating fruits all day now with ease, at first it was a struggle...i have eliminated grains but do crave them from time to time. i am in a rhythm of my jp smoothies with bananas first thing in the am....i am loving watermelon, berries, apples, and fresh squeezed oj...yum. no nuts, or lara bars, but i LOVE my big salads for dinner. usually hardboiled egg whites, red onions, cucumbers half an avo, toms, over romaine with a low fat vinaigrette or annies low fat honey mustard dressing. about 3 nights a week i make fish and have some cooked veggies too :)

i am not about 'being' a 'raw foodist' or being a 'vegan'. for me this is about healthy cells. making them, and keeping them clean and healthy. it is about feeling beautiful from the inside out. i am turning 41 and i know i want to look a certain way by then...i have 25 days to get there....and i am a good path. i enjoy eating this way and am feeling to good to ever go back to being 'sad'. {standard american diet}.

this weekend we were invited to celebrate dona's bday and i did have a small slice of chocolate cake with butter cream frosting. it was ok. i enjoyed the few little bites i took and knew that i was 'breaking' bread with others, in celebration of the occasion. the next day, i was back on track :) it is that simple for me now :)

i can feel the healing coming up from within me. i am beginning to love living again. :)

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