Tuesday, May 20, 2008

DAY 58

today david treated me with a surprise ! he passed by an asain market on his way home for lunch and picked up 2 young thai coconuts! oh wow...we cut into them right away and i made us chocolate coconut jp smoothies with the coconut water and we indulged with the flesh :) it was yummy.

i also finally got my ani's raw food kitchen book from amazon (along with jeni's bible and sitd) i am truly inspired to start dehydrating those crackers and breads.

today i am nibbling on a cucumber salad/tomato tofu salad mixed with lf asian ginger dressing (annies) and sprinkled with sunflower seeds :) yummo!

i have had some eomtional days since beginning my raw journey and i have learned to deal with my emotions without the comforts of my 'comfort foods' facing my emotions head on has been scary, but i have grown closer to God because He has been able to heal me without the 'use' of my usual suspects...food.

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