Wednesday, April 30, 2008

DAY 3 of FRUIT FLUSH - emotions

today i am having quite an emotional breakdown. i am frustrated with being a mother, i feel totally unappreciated and disrespected...of course by the boys especially. all of my 'external issues' are really plaguing me today and i am beyond emotional.

i am also very sore from my daily walking/bike ride from yesterday etc. i feel a bit depleted and the need for 'rest' and 'food'....something substantial to eat other than fruit all day. i feel bombarded today with life....i have had one thing after another happen it seems and i am really exhausted.

i feel selfish for feeling this way...but i also feel like i need to focus on 'me' a bit more. i have weeks where i never leave the house monday thru thursday - because of the kids....that gets to me! i need time away from the kids....


45 minute walk with jogger
big smoothie : 3 coconut ice cubes, 3 dates, 2 banana's, water, 3 jp fruits, water
handful of blackberries
cucumber, tomato salad
dinner was a whole avo and a whole egg with one egg white (hardboiled) over romaine and i sprinkled red onion over it all. it was very satisfying.
for dessert i had half of the tj's dark chcolate bar

david, the boys and i watched ai, and then 'talked' about the issues of them having better attitudes etc.

i was asleep by 11:30ish...which was not what i had hoped, i hope to be in bed by 10 from now on and am working towards rising by 6am, to do some yoga and stretching....

i am also very much over watching TV (with the exception of monday night the bachelor and some greys anatomy on thursdays) other than that, to be honest, i am feeling a need to 'detox' the outside world of all things 'negative' as much as possible. it is my goal to be in bed by 10 with my bible and david ...and some smooth move tea :)

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