Monday, April 7, 2008

DAY 15 - MONDAY - week 3 - day one

day 15:
131 weight. wow. ok, so i have lost about 9 lbs in 15 day on this thing. not too shabby. i feel good in my clothes :) i feel 'lighter' and 'healthier'.

i am loving eating this way, but am still a bit unsure what to feed my family at dinner time. i am slowly cleaning out the pantry and buying ww flours, spelt, and organic spices etc. i am going to try 1 or 2 new recipes each week to keep things fresh :)

this week i would like to lose about 4 to 5 lbs more....i am hitting it hard this week. i am also feeling well enough to start exercising more :)

i feel clear headed and productive ;)

ok re-cap....

we spent this weekend camping :) food wise, we took lots of fruits and veggies, hummus and smoothie (naked juice) pita bread, organic instant oatmeal, fruit and nut bars and we did smores.

i don't remember each meal looking back now, but friday night we went for sushi and i asked the chef to create for me a catarpillar roll without rice. he gave me one with thinly cut cucumbers as the binding :) interesting and healthy. i also had miso, and cabbage salad with edamame, water to drink.

saturday: drive to lake cachuma:

breakfast: fruit, lara bar, some almonds, water.

the rest of the day i ate good, fruits and vegg's raw with hummus and pita. avo too. we stopped in solvang and i had earl grey and a delish almond cookie with chocolate buttercream. oh my.

later that night i had 2 smores, with dark chocolate.

that night i awoke with the 'throw up' panic attack, but i breathed deeply til it passed.


organic oatmeal with pears
coconut (fresh) from the farm stand :)
mixed veggie sandwich, (which was dissapointing) on ww.
half pita with avo guacomole...(about 1/4 cup)


jp smoothie with half banana (organic) flaxseed meal - agave nectar-jp fruits.
half apple

snack: jp smoothie with coconut flavoring, ice, flax,

veggies dipped in guac
(ok, the smell of the organic tortilla chips got me, i had about 5 of them)

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