Wednesday, April 9, 2008

DAY 17 -

scale is off, so not sure how much i weigh today. last time i was around 131.

so this morning i walked with the girls and murph, but i felt a bit winded and weak .... i sweated alot though, so that made me happy.


jp smoothie with froz. 1/2 banana, flaxseed, jp fruits, echinacea, water
smoothie with frozen blueberries, 1/2 banana, real coconut carved from inside of shell, froz strawbs organic and water.
32 oz water
made lentil/portabella soup had a big bowl
still hungry
tofu burger on toasted ezekial bread with mango dressing
6 bites of austins brownies
large cup of b/g's with agave and almond milk

so, i was sipping on water and it was time to get going to austins track meet. so i throw the kids in the car and roll into juice stop where i get austin a banana and a carrot apple juice...while i am there i decide to get me and the kids one too. i got one with beets...

so off we go to the meet. i am fine and not hungry until we head for the car at around 4:45. suddenly i am starving. i am STARVING. head ache hungry big time. i am sipping on my water and trying to be ok.

i make it home to start my soup and i munch on some veggies in the meantime...but i am getting so stinking hungry!!! so now i have polished off one big bowl of my mushroom lentil soup and i am still starving! what gives?

ok, last night i had a few sips of chianti and some 'white' artisan bread...a few bites of pasta too...i have noticed in the past that on nights i consume alot of 'white' food and/or alcohol, the next day i am famished. there has to be something to this.

sugar thing? i am willing to bet. ugh. all i had was a small little bit of that and that. and today it sucks to be me. i am freeeeking hungry.

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