Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DAY 30

my plan of action/goal will be to follow natalias eating level 1, green smoothies every day/every other- and or smoothies daily...and follow all day with only raw :) i know i am up to this now since the last 30 days have been a great starting point for me. i am going to try to keep to a raw 'low fat' diet...but i am going to incorporate iron rich greens (beet greens and dandelion greens to my daily juicing :) :)

i cannot wait til my 41st bday after a whole month of total raw.

for exercise i will try to do about 20 minutes daily of cardio, walking or the elliptical, with light weights and LOTS of sit ups/yoga ...
. :)

am green tea - echinacea (yogi)
COOKED-egg white (one yolk) scramble with red bell peppers/brocolli

later, a bowl of berries

chopped veg salad
b&g smoothie, 5 dates, stevia, ice, flaxground

COOKED-pea soup
1/4 dark chocolate bar

i honestly cannot believe it has been 30 days. i have been caffiene free, sugar free, white flour free, processed and refined free, meat free, and dairy free for the equivalent of a month. and i am not ready to go back to 'mainstream' eating. when i break down the pro's and the cons to this new lifestyle for myself....i would have to say that i am realizing prior to my period- the week of and the end seems to be hard for me.

right now i have somehow managed to get a pinched nerve along the left side of my neck. it is resonating all up and down my left side. leaving me pretty exhausted and with a headache. last night i layed down in bed around 7ish after david got home because i was pretty wiped out yesterday.

i am guessing that my period and the fact that the few days of the heaviest flow i did not have an appetite and i ate too little, compounded by the fact that i ate tea room food and almost had a sugar melt down after ward.

these are all reminders to me about how sensitive my body is to sugar/caffiene (earl grey) ontop of heavy periods without eating all that much.

i am going to up my iron (flora) and iron rich foods like i said i would 4 weeks ago after my last period left me feeling drained like this one did.

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