Tuesday, April 8, 2008

DAY 16 - tuesday - week 3

ok. i am obsessed. i joined 'give it to me raw' yesterday and i am so excited. i have found a 'new' thing for me...and it is wonderful. i am getting healthy and being inspired by others. a little community of goodness..right here on my couch, as i sit and sip my green juice....yes, i said green juice! i have found (made up) my own recipe for a green juice that i love and is out of this world.

today i juiced a whole pineapple and some raw coconut too..oh it was divine. hannah helped in the kitchen and we drank the golden goodness down. david was home for lunch and feeling a bit 'tired' and run down...so you know that i just had to whip some up for him too. GOD FORBID i allow any more sickness to invade my family or my home. i will not go down without a fight!

ok...so for my green juice.

1 -3 stalks of kale
2 -3 bunches of romaine
3/4 or so of cucumber (so good for our skin)
1 apple
1 pear

and yum! i am so happy! i feel like a real bonifide 'raw'foodie' now. i have a green juice i can sip and sip and not want to barf.


about one hour after the green juice, i notice my nose is running...(?) odd. i haven't had any dairy...so i wonder if that would be a detox sign or not.

also, my scale is off because one of the kids readjusted the dial and this morning i almost pee'd my pj's when it said i lost over 6 lbs...(just from yesterday). i had to make sure it was not 'off' and sure enough it was. sooooo...hmmm....bah!

i am not sure how much i have lost to this point...i have a feeling not much since the weekend i was off a bit (camping food). this week was suppose to be my week for 'hitting it hard' but tonight we are taking the boys to mac grill!!! (can you say B-B-B-BREAD!!!) oy vay. i hope i can resist. (we are celebrating austin's being invited to the london talent show and owen made gate) i am trying to do only fruits and veggies this week. fruit all day til noon, smoothies and green juice...and than soup or salad for dinner. i am not doing beans or lara bars or nuts this week....i just want to see if it makes a big difference for me.

ok....so far today my food journal is like this:

smoothie jp (with echinacea and fruit capsules) flaxseed, froz. banana,water
pineapple coconut juice
sweet green juice
broccoli cabbage with mango salsa and mango chile dressing
veggies with mango dip (fresh and easy)

challenge: dinner out at mac grill...
i ordered the scallop salad but had about 9 bites of the bread dipped in o.o., some sips of chianti, a few bites of pasta with alfredo sauce...one shrimp, and about tblspoon or so of chocolate ganache.

i did 'ok' tonight considering the temptation. i didn't go crazy i just took nibbles and enjoyed myself. ironically today carol alts email was about 'cheating'.

But here's the key to making this work, Shelbi: You have to write down what your cheats are and how often you can eat them. Otherwise, you'll be making exceptions left and right. Your mind will finds all kinds of ways to bend the rules ("I'm on vacation, so I get extra cheats," "I forgot last week's cheat so I get two cheats this week," "I said chocolate chip cookies would be my cheat but chocolate cake has almost all the same ingredients as chocolate chip cookies and boy does that cake look delicious," etc).

So be clear when you're writing out your "cheat sheet" to specify exactly which foods, exactly how many times a week. That way, when your mind churns out reasons to cheat more than you originally intended, you'll be onto it - and you'll be less likely to fall off the wagon.

Carry your cheat sheet with you so you can refer to it whenever you want. It will remind you of your true intention when you're feeling tempted.

The truth is, once you know that it's okay to cheat every now and then, it makes sticking to your guns much easier. It's total deprivation that usually does people in. And most folks find that they only actually want to eat their favorite cooked foods about once or twice a week. That's totally doable.

So here's your assignment, Shelbi: Write down your cheats and how often you can have them. (And don't go overboard here - once a week is probably plenty.) Tomorrow, I'll teach you which meal should be your biggest and which should be your smallest, with the next step: Stress the right meals!


learn to make my own 'raw chocolate'. i found some cool blogs and websites and i am on to learning and mastering this new skill ;)

Raw Chocolate recipes

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