Monday, April 21, 2008

DAY 29

wow. haven't been able to write in so long. and my time has been very limited...the time i have online has been spent researching and reading as much as i possibly can.

here is a summary of the last 9 days:


mostly jp smoothies in the morning/fruit til lunch

lunch is salads, or nibble on veggies - new fav is tomato, cucumber and half an avo drizzled with lemon juice and some sea salt.

dinner is salads and some cooked soups.

lara bars/almonds/raisins for snacks

*my period came during week 4. it was light the first 2 days...but then hit really very heavy the 3rd and 4th day...trailing off to medium by the end of the 4th day. i NEVER had the usual back ache or cramps. it was still very heavy though and had an unusual 2 days very light, 2 days pow! heavy and 2 days trailing off.... i did have some tiny cravings, but nothing like before


things right now are pretty stressful and my body feels it (davids family/rk/david's paramedic school may not be going thru for us etc). i feel as tho my body has been experiencing an unusual amount of sensitivity to stress. i am not sure if this is still part of the 'detox' process or not...but i am feeling almost a sense of panic again now and then. i am ultra sensitive and feeling as tho my emotions are very raw and on the surface of me. perhaps this all ties into the 'eating to stuff' my emotions - and no i am 'dealing' with them....suddenly. my drug of choice to self medicate (comfort foods) has been taken away and i am left dealing with my real and raw emotions.

i was feeling as tho the scale was holding me back so i got rid of it. i gage my weightloss now by my 'jeans'. i lost a bit of weight finally in my belly area and it feels really great. i am looking forward to seeing what the month of may holds for me in this area...because i feel it is finally becoming noticeable. i am hopeful that by my 41st bday i will be that size 4 or less that i so want to be. i am just about there...fitting into pre-wedding jeans /pants. my body has changed since 3 pregnancy's in 2 yrs. my middle and my hips and that ugh belly flab that just hangs there is the cause of the jeans not fitting. it's all in my middle now. but the good news is that i am losing!!! so i am just giving this thing time and enjoying the process.

since i have been on my P i have not really been working out like i was last week. but when i did work out, i had this tremendous amount of energy :) we took a 3 hour bike ride (with the girls, i had emma on th back) and it was mostly uphill (sat and sunday) the odd thing - i had this strength in my legs that i have never had before. also, after both bike rides i was NOT sore the following day !


sometimes i have this amazing sense of wellbeing. overall my mind feels clearer and i get so much more accomplished. however, the last 3 days i have not felt all that great and i do believe it is because i have noticed a decline in my appetite. friday i did not eat all that much and that was followed by saturday the 19th, TEA ROOM food with coleen. omg! the morning was crazy and i did not feel hungry, so i did not eat....rushed to the tea room by 2:30 and ate a spinache salad there....but when the white bread tea sands came, i almost threw up! i just could not eat that! ugh. i did eat a bite and began to feel whoozy. also the earl grey and the caffiene started to get to me. i did however eat the scone with some raspberry preserves and regretted it.

i drove home feeling a low blood sugar attack that i have not felt in weeks. i had to pull off at ecco (my new fav health food store in claremont) just to get myself some 'raw' food :) i ate the brown rice veggie sushi rolls and instantly felt so much better :)

i was amazed at this experience. i am a bit bummed to think that my system is that sensitive now and i wonder how i will get thru life when i must eat out at places that do not serve healthier options. :( i think i will pose this question on the raw food forum....

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