Thursday, April 3, 2008

THURSDAY day 3 of week 2: DAY 11

FINALLY :) i am feeling better today :) a little 'tired' but not the 'fatigue' that has been following me about. i feel as though i can do some laundry/chores today without that cloudy headed feeling.

i am now happily full after eating about 2 apples, or a nice salad. i no longer feel 'deprived' of anything because i have lost my 'cravings'. i do not have my 2 cups of coffee in the morning, or a 3:30 caffiene pick me up. my mouth loves the 'taste' of fresh, unrefined foods. i enjoy scouring my cookbooks for new 'vegetarian recipes' and reading about how the body works. i also do not have any more nausea when i wake up in the middle of the night :) yay. my stomach feels 'clean'.

yesterdays meals included the green lemonade from NR's book, which i am clearly not ready was much too bitter for me and i could not see myself drinking that all morning. ugh. i got half of it down and had had enough. however, i took her test and i am a level 3 :) which makes me happy. would love to get to a level 2, but to be honest, i am not all that interested in juicing daily right now in my life. it is just a matter of energy, time and expense.

i would rather stay on dr F's plan which is doable. :) i enjoy eating my foods and i will save the juicing for weekend ventures for now. on happier note, i am beginning to feel that 6-7 pound loss :) last night i wore 'the nurse' for D and it fit much better and i thought my legs look slimmer too :) i was feeling much happire in this new body and it is only going to get better.


breakfast; herbal tea red ruby chai, trador joes, with agave
*2 apples
a little bit of an orange

tofu burger on flax toast topped with half avo
herbal detox tea

lara bar


*the tea kicked in pretty early this morning...but after eating the apples (about 15 minutes) my stomach began to hurt pretty bad. i ended up with pretty intense stomach cramping in the bathroom 'going' for a bit. i think i might have eaten an unwashed apple. i don't know. all i know is in the past, the tea has not reacted that way for me.

around 3 ish i became very 'weak'. i think i may have gone too long between breakfast and lunch...i don't know. today has also brougth some food struggles. i really did want to 'eat' today. boredom? emotion? fatigue? hmmm. when i feel 'weak' like this i wonder if i normally in the past have turned to food to comfort me. i bet i have. i know i have.


start taking iron daily (liquid - flora)
vitamin b-12
juice plus

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