Monday, April 28, 2008


today marks my last day, my '6th' week, of my 'eat to live' journey. wow. what an adventure of change i have had. i have saturated myself in learning about what my body own 'truth', what is working for me, and what isn't...

*my skin is soft and supple
*pounds lost/inches lost
*no more dandruff
*amazing energy when not on or after period
*sleep well
*no more indigestion
*more mellow and happy
*not sore after long bike rides or walks

and i have lost a bit of weight too :) i do not know how much weight i have lost total in the last 6 weeks. i got rid of my scale. but i have lost quite a bit being and i am *just about* there with my pre-wedding clothes. i am a bit bummed that i have not lost more. it seems like i am on the slow end, and my metabolism is sluggish, but i am losing and that is great. i weighed upper 120's when i married david....but my goal is just get the body fat off and see where i end up. i truly do not even know what my 'natural' body weight will end up at. but i do hope to be around a size 2 with no rolls any where.

i have learned that there are 2 ways to approaching food. the fearful way, or the healthy way. i feel safe with food now. i have found raw food to be my favorite way to eat...i feel *refreshed after eating raw, and have lost all cravings. i no longer depend on coffee to jolt me into life.



as for my energy levels, i am convinced that it is hormone related. my period seems to knock the wind out of my sails...not only during, but after. the aftermath of my periods leave me feeling i am going to be diligent in making sure i have adequate iron and b vitamins going into my body every day and perhaps up the foods that give me energy and iron during my period. come friday afternoon, (last friday) i was feeling a bit better, tho that morning i awoke in a fog and was really not good til noonish, when i finally had the energy to start packing for our marriage retreat.

i have learned that i can eat an avocado's again :) i love them with all my heart...and but for the next 14 days i am now on a fruit flush. i am going to eat fruit all day, and a dinner of healthy greens, egg whites (boiled) or fish....:)

*eating out: eating raw and living in the real world takes alot of work and planning and it can be done...but for me, i will remain eating cooked foods probably 25% of my diet. david loves sushi and so do i, so when dining out on our sushi splurge, i am sticking to fish and 'white' rice (brown rice if they have it) only on those nights out to sushi, which we barely 2 times a month if home i am stocking the cupboards with brown rice, seeds, whole grains, (which i am avoiding for the next 14 days)

*cooked peas soup and lentils seem to consipate me.


banana, dates, fresh coconut blended with water. yum
coconut water with bananas yum.

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