Tuesday, April 29, 2008

day 2 of FRUIT FLUSH

I am doing good....yesterday i ate:

coconut, banana, date smoothie (water only) with jp fruits and flax
half of melon
another smoothie

dinner was great, salmon, romaine salad, cucumbers, carrot sticks, brocolli steamed, and grilled onions with saute'd mushrooms.

i ate til i could eat no more and was not hungry the rest of the night.

this morning i made the mistake by weighing myself. the scale shows that i am still at 135 at has not budged. i find that really confusing. however, this weekend, i did eat more than usual...pasta saturday night, breads, and boy am i feeling it this week. i am really bloated and feeling like i have to 'go' more than i am actually releasing.

hopefully this fruit flush will help me to lose enough to fit back into my pre-wedding clothes. that would be awesome. i can zip them all up, but my waist is still very thick and my belly has all the fat around it.

my belly fat has been the hardest to lose to thus far, this side of forty. i am not giving up. i am giving myself over to this way of eating 75% raw and fruits all day til dinner. i just feel better...i feel lighter, i feel happier. i know i may be losing slowly, but i will get there...it may take me a few more months...

i feel like this weekend, even tho i was eating 'good', i was not eating the way i usually do to 'lose'...so i am back on the wagon for the next 13 days....and flushing this all out.

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