Thursday, April 24, 2008

DAY 32

very very low energy today. very low. very hungry day...i was hungry all day.

so monday i was 'depressed' and feeling low emotionally. tuesday was better but still low energy in fact i was in bed by 6:30pm.. wednesday felt the same...very tired by 6:30pm. last night i could barely manage to move after 7pm...but was up with david 'in bed' til around 11.

this morning i awoke groggy and feeling so tired. i want to work out and take my morning walks, but i feel really tired. exhausted. very much so. i am researching to see if my symptoms sound like a b12 deficiency, or low iron. ??? i don't think so...but today i am cloudy headed and very tired. simple things are overwhelming me.

i am tired of living this way. i just want to feel good and be a happy energetic mommy/wife again. i am wondering if i should put more meat into my diet. is this a protein thing? am i getting enough?

having chocolate cravings today....want to lay down and take a nap. it's 1:55pm and i am so ready for bed. also, i am very hungry today. i want to heavy eating. fruits and salads do not sound appealing.

first thing this morning i took flora iron with a handful of grapes
fresh juice of beet greens, 3 apples, 1 lemon, romaine, 1 whole cucumber.
5 almond stuffed dates
1/2 of a 1/2 of sprouted bagel
cup of veg/lentil soup (canned)
salad with hard boiled egg and one egg white, cucumber, 1/2 avo and toms
greens and black smoothie with almond milk, stevia, half banana

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